Pool Volume Calculator

Why is it Important to know the Size of your Pool?

Knowing the volume of your swimming pool will not only help you make accurate adjustments to the chemistry of your pool water but is essential to know when purchasing pool equipment such as pumps, chlorinators and other pools accessories.

For instance, if you needed to replace your pool pump and buy one that is too small for the size of your swimming pool, this will not only put strain on the motor of the pump but cause your filter to be less effective resulting in your pool requiring more weekly maintenance. The same is true for weekly maintenance, without knowing the capacity of your pool you could be using more chemicals than is needed, or you could mean under-dosing your pool. Neither of which are good outcomes, so simply put, not knowing the volume of your pool will cost you time and money.

What is the correct combination of Pool Pump and Filter to Volume of Water?

Here is a basic guide to follow if you ever need to replace your pump and pool filter:

  • 20 – 50,000ℓ = 0.45KW pump with 2-bag filter

  • 50 – 85,000ℓ = 0.75KW pump with 3-bag filter

  • 85 – 150,000ℓ = 1.1KW pump with 4-bag filter

Pool Volume Calculator

How to calculate Average Water Depth?

To find out the average depth of a pool simply measure the deepest depth and the shallowest, add both numbers together and divide by 2. This will give you the average water depth of the swimming pool. 

However, you can save yourself some time by using 1.5m, as this is the average depth of most South African pools.

Rectangular Pools

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Multi-Shaped Pools

A multi-shaped pool makes use of the same formula as a rectangular pool with a slight difference. The pool must first be divided into sections and then the volume of each section is calculated using the rectangular formula. Once done, add each section together for the total volume of the pool.

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Oval Pools

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Circular Pools

How to Calculate the Radius of a Circular Pool

Measure the length of the pool from one end to the other and divide the number by 2.

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Free Form / Oblong / Kidney-shaped Pools

How to Calculate the Average Diameter of a Free Form Pool

Measure the distance between the main rounded areas of the pool. Add these together and multiple by 0.45.

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